Preaching the Synoptic Gospels
Course code: PRTH 513

Course Description

Preaching the Synoptic Gospels is an exploration of the structural and literary devices by which Matthew, Mark and Luke each highlight and enrich their unique portraits of Jesus. Emphasis will be placed on practical application of exegetical insights to expository preaching.

Intended Outcomes

Knowledge: by the end of this course, the student will understand:

  • The themes, content and arrangement of each of the Synoptic Gospels
  • Basic elements of narrative, such as characters, tension and plot, as used in the Synoptic Gospels
  • Each Synoptic Gospel’s use of key literary and structural elements to build a unique portrait of Jesus
  • The value, contributions, limitations and dangers of various approaches to the study of the Synoptic Gospels
  • The relationship between the historical facts recorded in the Gospels, the authors’ overall narrative, and the individual passages in the Gospels
  • How different homiletical methods can be effectively used to preach different aspects of the Synoptic Gospels’ teaching

Values: by the end of this course, the student will have gained:

  • An appreciation for the richness of each Synoptic Gospel’s unique portrait of Jesus
    Increased confidence in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture
  • A deeper personal dedication to Jesus and to living out His teachings
  • A greater appreciation for, and determination to develop, preaching that is true to the purposes and emphases of the original authors of Scripture

Skills: by the end of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Use literary and narrative criticism to more precisely exposit the Synoptic Gospels in their individual narratives and the smaller units within those narratives
  • More accurately preach Christ as reflected in individual passages, broader themes, and the overall message of the Synoptic Gospels


Dr. Stephen Oliver


  • To be announced.

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  • bte365官网地址 Custom Logos 9 Package

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